Monday 17 December 2018

Missing You this Winter...

Posted by Juli Anne at December 17, 2018
Dear Mommy,

This would be our first Christmas without you. I miss you so much.

BB occasionally says that she misses you too... and she repeats that you went to Heaven. BB is unfortunately not eating anything. She has gotten so skinny. She probably only takes one bite of her meals and then that's it. I pretty much have to force her to eat, and it just makes dinner time a terrible experience for everyone. I worry that she is getting skinnier every day.

Mui Mui is advancing really quickly. Yesterday I think I saw her jump off this cement bar in the parking lot with two feet! Mui Mui eats a lot too, so she is bigger and healthier than BB.

We have all been sick for the last week since BB started at a new daycare. Whatever she brought back home has proven to be extremely contagious. Mui got over it pretty quickly... maybe a few days? But BB has had an on and off fever for the last week. Yesterday being the latest one. I worry about her.

BB got a new haircut shortly after I sent my last letter back in October. She is so proud of her new haircut. I was afraid that she might freak out on live TV when she realizes that she couldn't attach her hair back to her head. But she was so good and she loved her new haircut! She kept on repeating that she looks like me. It's really cute :)

Mui's hair is getting longer too. Looking at her, she reminds me of how long BB's hair was when she was the same age. Her hair must grow pretty fast given that she had less hair to start with!

Mui seems to really enjoy daycare. She is so affectionate and loves sticking to people. BB on the other hand is more shy and timid and afraid to approach people. At the new daycare, there seems to be less number of kids than the previous daycare. I hope she will get to make some closer friends here.

I hope you are doing well wherever you are. I always thought I would write to you more often, but I get a little lazy, you know? lol


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